- “By the occurrence of Great Courage, (there is) acquisition of one’s own Essential Nature.”
- “By breaking open both boards (of immanence and transcendence), (there is) penetration into the State of the Great Void (beyond the void).”
- “Kula is said to be the Nature of the Supreme Śakti, the only Wine to be drunk, made of Intangible (Subjectivity), (which) exists as the Annihilation of parts.”
- “In the Supreme Unchanging State of the unified Taste of embracing the Great Union --like a marriage-- (which) unites the pair of the expansion of subject and object in the Abode of Unveiled Consciousness, the mind and the intellect become servants.”
- “As the all-pervading Perfect One (Who is) Absorbed (into Union) plays without falling from (his Essential Nature); therefore, (He) performs all the actions (of the world) always and everywhere.”
- “Wherein Time, having the nature of impelling Sṛṣṭi or Manifestation, etc. obtains dissolution in the Silence of non-sequential Consciousness, that is said to be the ‘Consuming of Time’”
- “In the air there’s a Lotus, bloomed into the mists of Time (which) flashed though once in a while with forms to the eyes unwrought to espy.”
- “The conviction: 'this is a water pot', which is born from the appearance of 'that' (and) 'not that' --i.e. from the pair of opposites-- (then established) only by the rejection of the 'not-that', is indeed called vikalpa or tought.”
- “The difference between internal and external, which is the difference between subject and object, is to be dissolved by that which causes union and not by separation.”
- “Oh Devī! Victorious is Your Nature (which) is Formless, (although) assumes the forms of the three worlds (, and) completely free of (that which) impells (the notions of) being and non-being, unaltered by any deceit (and only) obtainable by Pristine Consciousness.”
- “Having Time vomited out (which) pervades everything by (Your) Existence, and appears (as) the fearful noise (in one’s mind), (You) truly shower Grace by creating the destruction of it --i.e. by destroying Time--. (That is how) Victorious You Are!”
- “Victorious is Your unutterable understanding of one’s own Self (which) consists of the Light of the Consciousness of one’s Innate and Silenced or Ultimate Essential Nature (and) bursts forth internally by (Your) Free Will.”
- “(Who) exists between ‘Pūrṇa’ or ‘Manifestation’ a.k.a ‘the Immanent’ and ‘Kṛśā’ or ‘Dissolution’ a.k.a ‘the Transcendent’ is Bhairava.”
- “...the Four Goddesses of Manifestation, etc. (Who are) like Hunger (, Thirst, Envy, and Mentation) please (their) Lord by the act of delivering their own Essence or Self --i.e. Themselves-- as offerings (to Him).”
- “(That which) makes the Supreme Reality evident is the only one True Oral Instruction.”
- “All those (who are) longing for the Worship of one’s own Essential Nature arrive and dwell there --i.e. in the Highest Pīṭha that is One’s Own Self--.”
- “In real sense, by means of Supreme Yoga, this whole world completely disappears like a minute straw consumed by fire.”
- “Only those who are exhausted by the (illusion of) past and future are longing for the Mahārtha or the Great Meaning --i.e the Goal of the Great Way--, (as) there is no process for them apart from the forceful consuming of vikalpa-s or thoughts.”
- “Here, She is called Maṅgalā, because She immediately oozes through Māyā, and ascended to the Five Faces --i.e. Goddesses-- of the Heroes, She is eagerly devoted to the Great Encounter.”
- “Let there be Salutation to that Creator (Who,) when the eagerness for the liquor (of illusion) of (those whose) intellect is not awakened has came to an end, Roars again, (and) completely abandones (even) true doctrines.”
- “The Only One indescribable and imperishable, all-pervading, all-transcending Essential Nature is uninterrupted Consciousness (Who) shines as the manifoldness (of manifestation)”
- “(Such a destructive) expansion (which) consists of risen thoughtlessness is to be worshipped by the Wheel of Prakāśa or Light through the condition of ‘being’ undivided, (which --i.e. that thoughtless expansion--) exists as the twelvefold (reality of the senses).”
- “When the Supreme Śakti becomes dissolved into the Supreme Condition, then the Subject does not perceive any object within, (and) Śakti rests in Śiva, then (that condition) is called Final Resting.”
- “Where the Resting of Śakti (takes place, and consequently,) the mind becomes dissolved into, there, the Self is to be understood in the State of the Supreme Self by those (who are) settled in certainty.”
- “The Self indeed is always (and) everywhere uncertain in one’s own mind, because the certainty of a thought comes from the act of rejection.”
- “My Self is young by drinking the Nectar of being Devoted to You, but (becomes) grey by old age, due to the attachment to the darkness of wordly existence.”
- “There is no any other way apart from grasping one’s own existence. Pursuing only that, a yogī, who is standing in his own Self, attains happiness.”
- “By the occurrence of Great Courage, (there is) acquisition of one’s own Essential Nature.”
- “By breaking open both boards (of immanence and transcendence), (there is) penetration into the State of the Great Void (beyond the void).”
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