Hymn paying homage to the Krama

कौलार्णवानन्दघनोर्मिरूपामुन्मेषमेषोभयभाजमन्तः ।
निलीयते नीलकुलालये या तां सृष्टिकालीं सततं नमामि ॥१॥
Kaulārṇavānandaghanormirūpāmunmeṣameṣobhayabhājamantaḥ |
Nilīyate nīlakulālaye yā tāṃ sṛṣṭikālīṃ satataṃ namāmi || 1 ||
I forever (satatam) salute (namāmi) that (tām) Sṛṣṭikālī --the Kālī of Emission-- (sṛṣṭi-kālīm) Who (yā) acts in both ways of manifestation and dissolution (respectively) (unmeṣa-meṣa-ubhaya-bhājam) (when She) appears as the Waves made of the Mass of the Bliss of the Ocean of Kaula (kaula-ārṇava-ānanda-ghana-urmi-rūpām) (, and) disappears (nilīyate) in the Darkness of Kula or in the Totality of objects (nīla-kula-ālaye…antaḥ). || 1 ||
Sṛṣṭikālī is Sṛṣṭicakram of the stage of objectivity
महाविनोदार्पितमातृचक्रविरेन्द्रकासृग्रसपानसक्ताम् ।
रक्तीकृतां च प्रलयात्यये तां नमामि विश्वाकृतिरक्तकालीम् ॥२॥
Mahāvinodārpitamātṛcakravirendrakāsṛgrasapānasaktām |
Raktīkṛtāṃ ca pralayātyaye tāṃ namāmi viśvākṛtiraktakālīm || 2 ||
I salute (namāmi) that (tām) Raktakālī --the Kālī of Passion-- (Who) is the well-formed shape of the universe (viśva-ākṛti-rakta-kālīm), (and is) engaged in drinking the Nectar-Blood of the assembly of the Heroes and the Wheel of Mātṛ-s --i.e. the Goddesses of one’s own senses--, (which is) offered (to Her) with great vehemence (mahā-vinoda-arpita-mātṛ-cakra-vira-indraka-āsṛj-rasa-pāna-saktām) and (Who is) (ca) generated by Affection (raktī-kṛtām) during the cessation of the dissolution of the universe (pralaya-atyaye). || 2 ||
Raktakālī is Sthiticakram of the stage of objectivity
वाजिद्वयस्वीकृतवातचक्रप्रक्रान्तसंघट्टगमागमस्थाम् ।
शुचिर्ययास्तं गमितो’र्चिषा तां शान्तां नमामि स्थितिनाशकालीम् ॥३॥
Vājidvayasvīkṛtavātacakraprakrāntasaṃghaṭṭagamāgamasthām |
Śuciryayāstaṃ gamito’rciṣā tāṃ śāntāṃ namāmi sthitināśakālīm || 3 ||
I salute (namāmi) that (tām) peaceful (śāntām) Sthitināśakālī --the Kālī of the Destruction of Maintenance-- (sthiti-nāśa-kālīm) standing (between) the going and coming (of vital energy --i.e prāṇa and apāna, when) the union with the Vātacakra or the Wheel of the Wind (that is) appropriated the twofold wings (of breathing) is commenced (vāji-dvaya-svī-kṛta-vāta-cakra-prakrānta-saṃghaṭṭa-gama-āgamasthām). By Whose (yayā) Flame (arciṣā), the Pure Light (of one’s Self) (śuciḥ) goes (gamitaḥ) to one’s eternal home (like the Sun does during a sunset) (astam). || 3 ||
Sthitināśakālī is Saṃhāracakram of the stage of objectivity
सर्वार्थसंकर्षणसंयमस्य यमस्य यन्तुर्जगतो यमाय ।
वपुर्महाग्रासविलासरागात्संकर्षयन्तीं प्रणमामि कालीम् ॥४॥
Sarvārthasaṃkarṣaṇasaṃyamasya yamasya yanturjagato
yamāya |
Vapurmahāgrāsavilāsarāgātsaṃkarṣayantīṃ praṇamāmi kālīm || 4 ||
I bow before (praṇamāmi) Kālī --i.e. Yamakālī, the Devourer of doubts-- (kālīm), (Who), due to the desire of the appearance of the Great Consuming (mahā-grāsa-vilāsa-rāgāt), devours (saṃkarṣayantīm) the Essence (vapus) of Yantṛ, the ruler --i.e. the restricting one-- (yantuḥ) of Yama --i.e. doubts or thoughts-- (yamasya) (Who) controls by drawing (to himself) all the objects (sarva-artha-saṃkarṣaṇa-saṃyamasya) to control (yamāya) the world (jagataḥ). || 4 ||
Yamakālī is Anākhyacakram of the stage of objectivity
उन्मन्यनन्ता निखिलार्थगर्भा या भावसंहारनिमेषमेति ।
सदोदिता सत्युदयाय शून्यां संहारकालीं मुदितां नमामि ॥५॥
Unmanyanantā nikhilārthagarbhā yā
bhāvasaṃhāranimeṣameti |
Sadoditā satyudayāya śūnyāṃ saṃhārakālīṃ muditāṃ namāmi || 5 ||
I salute (namāmi) Saṃhārakālī --Kālī of Dissolution-- (saṃhāra-kālīm), the Joyful (muditām) void (śūnyām) Who (yā) is the Endless (anantā) (and) eternally shining (sadā-uditā) Womb of all the objects (nikhila-artha-garbhā) beyond the mind (unmanī), (and) existing (satī) for the elevation (of Consciousness) (udayāya) (, and) advances towards (eti) the closing (of Her) eyes to dissolve the external world (bhāva-saṃhāra-nimeṣam). || 5 ||
Saṃhārakālī is Sṛṣṭicakram of the stage of cognition
ममेत्यहंकारकलाकलापविस्फारहर्षोद्धतगर्वमृत्युः ।
ग्रस्तो यया घस्मरसंविदं तां नमामि कालोदितमृत्युकालीम् ॥६॥
Mametyahaṃkārakalākalāpavisphāraharṣoddhatagarvamṛtyuḥ |
Grasto yayā ghasmarasaṃvidaṃ tāṃ namāmi
kāloditamṛtyukālīm || 6 ||
I salute (namāmi) that (tām) Voracious Consciousness (ghasmara-saṃvidam) (called) Mṛtyukālī --The Destroyer of Death-- (in Whom) Time arises (kāla-udita-mṛtyu-kālīm), (and) by Whom (yayā) Death (that is) the pride (which) rises from the ardent desire for the expansion of the collection of the rays of false-I (aham-kāra-kalā-kalāpa-visphāra-harṣa-uddhata-garva-mṛtyuḥ) (appearing as the notion of) “mine” (mama ...iti) is swallowed (grastaḥ). || 6 ||
Mṛtyukālī is Sthiticakram of the stage of cognition
विश्वं महाकल्पविरामकल्पभवान्तभीमभ्रुकुटिभ्रमन्त्या ।
या नात्यनन्तप्रभवार्चिषा तां नमामि भद्रं शुभभद्रकालीम् ॥७॥
mahākalpavirāmakalpabhavāntabhīmabhrukuṭibhramantyā |
Yā nātyanantaprabhavārciṣā tāṃ namāmi bhadraṃ
śubhabhadrakālīm || 7 ||
I salute (namāmi) that (tām) Pure Bhadrakālī --the Auspicious Kālī-- (śubha-bhadra-kālīm) Who (yā) joyfully (bhadram) (devours) the world (viśvam) by the Flame of the Infinite Power of the Dance (nātya-ananta-prabhava-arciṣā) of (Her) terribly frowning eyebrows (during) the destruction of the universe (that is) the end of the great cycle of Time (mahā-kalpa-virāma-kalpa-bhava-ānta-bhīma-bhrukuṭi-bhramantyā). || 7 ||
Bhadrakālī is Saṃhāracakram of the stage of cognition
मार्तण्डमापीतपतङ्गचक्रं पतङ्गवत्कालकलेन्धनाय ।
करोति या विश्वरसान्तकां तां मार्तण्डकालीं सततं प्रणौमि ॥८॥
pataṅgavatkālakalendhanāya |
Karoti yā viśvarasāntakāṃ tāṃ mārtaṇḍakālīṃ satataṃ
praṇaumi || 8 ||
I forever (satatam) bow to (praṇaumi) that (tām) Mārtaṇḍakālī --Kālī of the Sun-- (mārtaṇḍa-kālīm) Who (yā) is the Destroyer of the taste of the world (of objectivity) (viśva-rasa-antakām), (and) causes (karoti) the wheel of drunken insects (āpīta-pataṅga-cakram) of solar (nature) --i.e. the wheel of the twelve sense organs-- (mārtaṇḍam) (rushing into) the fuel of the portion of Time --i.e. into ahaṃkāra or false-I-- (kāla-kala-indhanāya) like a moth (rushing into a fire) (pataṅgavat). || 8 ||
Mārtaṇḍakālī is Anākhyacakram of the stage of cognition
अस्तोदितद्वादशभानुभाजि यस्यां गता भर्गशिखा शिखेव ।
प्रशान्तधाम्नि द्युतिनाशमेति तां नौम्यनन्तां परमार्ककालीम् ॥९॥
yasyāṃ gatā bhargaśikhā śikheva |
Praśāntadhāmni dyutināśameti tāṃ naumyanantāṃ
paramārkakālīm || 9 ||
I salute (naumi) that (tām) Infinite (anantām) Paramārkakālī --Kālī of the Supreme Sun-- (parama-ārka-kālīm) in Whose (yasyām) appeased abode (praśānta-dhāmni), (which) possesses the (previously) consumed twelve suns --i.e. the senses-- (asta-udita-dvādaśa-bhānu-bhāji), the fire of effulgence (of ahamkāra or false-I) (bharga-śikhā) fallen into (gatā) like a flame (śikhā-iva) (, and) advances (eti) towards the destruction of (its own) splendour (dyuti-nāśam). || 9 ||
Paramārkakālī is Sṛṣṭicakram of the stage of the subject
कालक्रमाक्रान्तदिनेशचक्रक्रोडीकृतान्ताग्निकलाप उग्रः ।
कालाग्निरुद्रो लयमेति यस्यां तां नौमि कालानलरुद्रकालीम् ॥१०॥
ugraḥ |
Kālāgnirudro layameti yasyāṃ tāṃ naumi kālānalarudrakālīm || 10 ||
I salute (naumi) that (tām) Kālī, the Destroyer of the Consuming Fire of Time (kālā-ānala-rudra-kālīm) in Whom (yasyām) the fearful (ugraḥ) Kālāgnirudra --the Fire of the Destruction (of the world) (kāla-agni-rudraḥ) (who is) the collection of internal fires (which) embraces the wheel of the Sun --i.e. of the senses-- (when it is) overlayed with the succession of Time (kāla-krama-ākrānta-dineśa-cakra-kroḍī-kṛta-anta-agni-kalāpaḥ), marches towards (eti) dissolution (layam). || 10 ||
Kālāgnirudrakālī is Sthiticakram of the stage of the subject
नक्तं महाभूतलये श्मशाने दिग्खेचरीचक्रगणेन साकम् ।
कालीं महाकालमलं ग्रसन्तीं वन्दे ह्यचिन्त्यामनिलानलाभाम् ॥११॥
Naktaṃ mahābhūtalaye
śmaśāne digkhecarīcakragaṇena sākam |
Kālīṃ mahākālamalaṃ grasantīṃ vande
hyacintyāmanilānalābhām || 11 ||
(And) I mostly (hi) venerate (vande) (that) Inconceivable (acintyām) Kālī --Mahākālakālī, the Destroyer of the Lord of Time-- (kālīm) appearing as Fire and Air (anila-anala-ābhām) (Who) completely (alam) Devours (grasantīm) the Lord of Time (mahā-kālam) together with (sākam) the multitude of the wheel of powers pervading the void of all the directions (dig-khe-carī-cakra-gaṇena) on the Cremation Ground (śmaśāne) (where) the great elements are dissolved (mahā-bhūta-laye) during the Night (of manifestation) (naktam). || 11 ||
Mahākālakālī is Saṃhāracakram of the stage of the subject
क्रमत्रयत्वाष्त्रमरीचिचक्रसञ्चारचातुर्यतुरीयसत्ताम् ।
वन्दे महाभैरवघोरचण्डकालीं कलाकाशशशाङ्ककान्तिम् ॥१२॥
Kramatrayatvāṣtramarīcicakrasañcāracāturyaturīyasattām |
Vande mahābhairavaghoracaṇḍakālīṃ kalākāśaśaśāṅkakāntim || 12 ||
I venerate (vande) Mahābhairavaghoracaṇḍakālī --i.e. The Kālī of the union of subject, object and cognition-- (mahā-bhairava-ghora-caṇḍa-kālīm), (Who) is the Splendour of the Moon of the Sky of Supreme I-consciousness (kalā-ākāśa-śaśāṅka-kāntim) (which is) the Existence of Turīya, (that) has the ability to turn on the Wheel of the Rays of the Sky of (the union of) the threefold sequence --i.e. subject, object and cognition-- (krama-trayatva-āṣtra-marīci-cakra-sañcāra-cāturya-turīya-sattām). || 12 ||
Mahābhairavaghoracaṇḍakālī is Anākhyacakram of the stage of the subject
Sṛṣṭi |
Sthiti |
Saṃhāra |
Anākhya |
Prameya |
Sṛṣṭikālī |
Raktakālī |
Sthitināśakālī |
Yamakālī |
Pramāṇa |
Saṃhārakālī |
Mṛtyukālī |
Bhadrakālī |
Mārtaṇḍakālī |
Pramātā |
Paramārkakālī |
Kālāgnirudrakālī |
Mahākālakālī |
Mahābhairava-ghoracaṇḍakālī |
Sṛṣṭikālī - Is the first moment of perception of objectivity
Raktakālī - Is the eagerness to maintain the perception of objectivity
Sthitināśakālī - Is the cessation of that perception
Yamakālī - Is the appeased state of leaving objective perception
Saṃhārakālī - The impressions of the objective world have a fading nature in the mind
Mṛtyukālī - The previous impressions are completely faded and the yogin begins to feel oneness
Bhadrakālī - Destroys the remaining doubts that prevent the yogin from rising on the upward path.
Mārtaṇḍakālī - Dissolves the twelve senses into the false-I
Paramārkakālī - Consumes the false-I
Kālāgnirudrakālī - Starts to destroy Time or succession
Mahākālakālī - Consumes Time and the sense of Space
Mahābhairavaghoracaṇḍakālī - She is Anākhya or the Nameless, also called Turya, the Bliss of the Self
Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies: Tantrālokavivekaḥ