Hymn of Praise to Bhairava
चिन्मयमेकमनन्तमनादिम् ।
त्वन्मयचित्ततया हृदि वन्दे ॥१॥
cinmayamekamanantamanādim |
tvanmayacittatayā hṛdi vande || 1 ||
I venerate (vande) Lord Bhairava (bhairava-nātham) (Who) is (the) Shelter of the helpless --lit. of those who have no master or protector-- (anātha-śaraṇyam), (and Who) is the Solitary One (ekam) without beginning (anādim) and end (anantam), (and) consists of Consciousness (cit-mayam), (and) the mode (which) pervades all the entities of the world --i.e. movable and immovable subjects and objects (vyāpta-cara-acara-bhāva-viśeṣam). I venerate (vande) (Thee) in (my) Heart (hṛdi) with my mind, (which) is made only of Thee (tvat-maya-cittatayā). || 1 ||
भाति मम त्वदनुग्रहशक्त्या ।
त्वं च महेश सदैव ममात्मा
स्वात्ममयं मम तेन समस्तम् ॥२॥
bhāti mama tvadanugrahaśaktyā |
Tvaṃ ca maheśa sadaiva mamātmā
svātmamayaṃ mama tena samastam || 2 ||
This (etat) whole (world) (aśeṣam) now (idānīm) appears (bhāti) for me (mama) as (that which) is made of Thee (tvat-mayam) through the Power of Thy Grace (tvat-anugraha-śaktyā). And (ca)…Oh Great Lord Maheśa (mahā-īśa)! Thou Art my (mama) Self (ātmā) forever (sadā…eva), (for) my (mama) own Self (svātmā-mayam) is completely pervaded (samastam) by Thee (tena). || 2 ||
स्वात्मनि विश्वगते त्वयि नाथे
तेन न संसृतिभीतिकथास्ति ।
सत्स्वपि दुर्धरदुःखविमोह-
त्रासविधायिषु कर्मगणेषु ॥३॥
Svātmani viśvagate tvayi nāthe
tena na saṃsṛtibhītikathāsti |
Satsvapi durdharaduḥkhavimoha-
trāsavidhāyiṣu karmagaṇeṣu || 3 ||
In my own Self (sva-ātmani), (which) pervades or rests in the universe (viśvagate), (as it is) Thou (tvayi), oh Lord (nāthe)!, thus (tena), there is (asti) no (na) question --lit. discussion-- about the fear of mundane existence (saṃsṛti-bhīti-kathā) regarding (satsu-api) the (destructive) troops of ‘karma’ (karma-gaṇeṣu) (which) cause the anxiety or terror (, which comes from) illusion (and also cause) unrestrainable suffering (durdhara-duḥkha-vimoha-trāsa-vidhāyiṣu). || 3 ||
अन्तक मां प्रति मा दृशमेनां
क्रोधकरालतमां विनिधेहि ।
भीषणभैरवशक्तिमयो ऽस्मि ॥४॥
Antaka māṃ prati mā dṛśamenāṃ
krodhakarālatamāṃ vinidhehi |
bhīṣaṇabhairavaśaktimayo 'smi || 4 ||
Oh Lord of Death (antaka)! Do not (mā) cast (vinidhehi) this (enām) angry (and) exceedingly terrible (krodha-karāla-tamām) glance (dṛśam) on me (mām) again (prati), (because) I am constantly reflecting on serving Śaṅkara --i.e. I am established in serving Śaṅkara-- (śaṅkara-sevana-cintana-dhīraḥ), (and) I am (asmi) one with the horrible Śakti-s or Powers of Bhairava (bhīṣaṇa-bhairava-śakti-mayaḥ). || 4 ||
दीधितिदारितभूरितमिस्रः ।
नाथ नमो ऽस्तु न जातु बिभेमि ॥५॥
dīdhitidāritabhūritamisraḥ |
nātha namo 'stu na jātu bibhemi || 5 ||
Therefore (ittham), the great darkness (of ignorance) has been torn apart by the Splendour of Consciusness (which) is brought near (to me, as It is) made of Thee (upa-uḍha-bhavan-maya-saṃvit-dīdhiti-dārita-bhūri-tamisraḥ). I am never afraid (na…jātu…bibhemi) of the demons of karma, Yama, the Lord of Death (and not even of) death (mṛtyu-yama-antaka-karma-piśācaiḥ)! Let there be (astu) Salutation to Thee (namaḥ)! Oh Lord (nātha)! || 5 ||
प्रेक्षितविश्वपदार्थसतत्त्वः ।
त्वय्यहमात्मनि निर्वृतिमेमि ॥६॥
prekṣitaviśvapadārthasatattvaḥ |
tvayyahamātmani nirvṛtimemi || 6 ||
The (real) Nature of the objects of the world (is known) through the Rays of awakened perception of the aforementioned Truth --i.e. what I have experienced-- (pra-udita-satya-vibodha-marīci-prekṣita-viśva-pada-artha-satattvaḥ) in Thee (tvayi), (so) I attain (emi) complete Satisfaction (in Thee) (nirvṛtim), perfectly full of the Supreme Nectar of manifestation (bhāva-para-amṛta-nirbhara-pūrṇe), (for Thou Art) the Nature of the Self (aham-ātmani). || 6 ||
मानसगोचरमेति यदैव
क्लेशदशा ऽतनुतापविधात्री ।
नाथ तदैव मम त्वदभेद-
स्तोत्रपरामृतवृष्टिरुदेति ॥७॥
Mānasagocarameti yadaiva
kleśadaśā 'tanutāpavidhātrī |
Nātha tadaiva mama tvadabheda-
stotraparāmṛtavṛṣṭirudeti || 7 ||
When (yadā…eva) the mother --i.e. creator-- of the great heat of the nature of pain (kleśa-daśā-atanutāpa-vidhātrī) attains (eti) the sphere of (my) mind (mānasa-gocaram), in that moment (tadā…eva), oh Lord (nātha)! the Shower of the Supreme Nectar of Praising Thy non-duality (tvat-abheda-stotra-parāmṛta-vṛṣṭiḥ) rises (udeti) in me (mama). || 7 ||
शङ्कर सत्यमिदं व्रतदान-
स्नानतपो भवतापविदारि ।
स्यन्दति चेतसि निर्वृतिधाराम् ॥८॥
Śaṅkara satyamidaṃ vratadāna-
snānatapo bhavatāpavidāri |
syandati cetasi nirvṛtidhārām || 8 ||
Oh Śaṅkara (śaṅkara)! It (idam) is true (satyam) (that) service, the act of giving, bathing and penance (vrata-dāna-snāna-tapaḥ) destroy the sorrow of (limited) existence (bhava-tāpa-vidāri), (but merely) thinking about the Supreme Nectar of Thy Command or Teaching --i.e. Revelation-- (tāvaka-śāstra-parāmṛta-cintā) pours forth (syandati) the Shower of Bliss (nirvṛti-dhārām) in my Heart --i.e. intellect-- (cetasi). || 8 ||
नृत्यति गायति हृष्यति गाढं
संविदियं मम भैरवनाथ ।
त्वां प्रियमाप्य सुदर्शनमेकं
दुर्लभमन्यजनैः समयज्ञम् ॥९॥
Nṛtyati gāyati hṛṣyati gāḍhaṃ
saṃvidiyaṃ mama bhairavanātha |
Tvāṃ priyamāpya sudarśanamekaṃ
durlabhamanyajanaiḥ samayajñam || 9 ||
Oh Lord Bhairava (bhairava-nātha)! My Consciousness (saṃvit…iyam) dances (nṛtyati), sings (gāyati) (and) firmly (gāḍham) jubilates (hṛṣyati) after obtaining (āpya) Thee (tvām), the only One (ekam) Beloved (of Hers --i.e. of Consciousness) (priyam), (and) the Sacrifice of Oneness (sama-yajñam), (that is so) hard to attain (durlabham) by others (anya-janaiḥ), (becomes) easily seen --lit. beautiful-- (sudarśanam). || 9 ||
वसुरसपौषे कृष्णदशम्याम्
अभिनवगुप्तः स्तवमिममकरोत् ।
येन विभुर्भवमरुसन्तापं
शमयति झटिति जनस्य दयालुः॥
Vasurasapauṣe kṛṣṇadaśamyām
abhinavaguptaḥ stavamimamakarot |
Yena vibhurbhavamarusantāpaṃ
śamayati jhaṭiti janasya dayāluḥ ||
This is (imam) a Hymn of Praise (stavam), which (yām) is written (akarot) by Abhinavagupta (abhinavaguptaḥ) in the year 68 during the dark-fortnight (vasurasa-pauṣe) on the tenth day of Pauṣa (month) (vasurasa-pauṣe…kṛṣṇa-daśam), by which (yena) the compessionate (dayāluḥ) Lord (vibhuḥ) instantly (jhaṭiti) cools down (śamayati) the burning heat of the desert of worldly existence (bhava-maru-santāpam) in the person (who reads it) (janasya). ||
॥समाप्तं स्तवमिदमभिनवाख्यं पद्यनवकम्॥
|| Samāptaṃ stavamidamabhinavākhyaṃ padyanavakam ||
This (idam) Hymn of Praise (stavam) to tell the nine always fresh verses (abhinava-ākhyam…padya-navakam) is finished (samāptam).
Sanskrit source:
Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages
Transliteration: Dott. Marino Faliero, July 1998